ARTICLES (Word format or PDF)
‘Jealousy’s final solution’,
‘The Historicity of Muhammad, Aisha and who knows who else’, Copenhagen, May 7, 2011
Johannes J.G. Jansen, ‘Religious Roots of Muslim Violence’, in: Gelijn MOLIER, Afshin ELLIAN & David SUURLAND, eds., Terrorism: Ideology, Law and Policy, Dordrecht 2011, pp. 165-185. Text in Word: Click here
Review of Andy Bostom's The Legacy of Jihad (2008)
‘An Irreverent Look at Religion in the Netherlands’ (2007)
‘What went wrong in the Netherlands?’ (2005)
MUSLIM VICTIMS OF JIHAD. Paper read at the UNCHR in Geneva, April 2005
DHIMMITUDE. From Robert Spencer's Dhimmiwatch, quoting a Dutch newspaper from 2004
Ayatollah, Guard & Diplomat, hunting for help (2009)